How I’m Prioritizing Peace of Mind This Holiday Season
Screw "keeping up" and make the holidays yours
These past few years, I’ve put a lot of effort into making holiday magic happen. In a lot of ways, it feels like a trap.
It’s the hap-happiest season of allll!!! Said everyone who wasn’t the primary “holiday magic maker.” For many of us, this season is the happiest, but it is also filled with to-do lists, social schedules, and the physical labor that goes into wrapping, stuffing, decorating, baking, and socializing.
The holiday season is a bit more complicated as my kids grow up. These past few years, I’ve put a lot of effort into making holiday magic happen. In a lot of ways, it feels like a trap. But the trap is of my own making—and for a while, I didn’t even realize I was the one who created it. *I* decide if I want to pressure myself to do it all, not “the season.”
Sometimes we feel like life is happening to us and we forget that we have a choice in how we spend our time. This time of year especially, we often react to other people’s invitations and needs before considering our own.
I’m taking a very different approach to this holiday season than I have others. I’ve found that intentionality matters when it comes to making holiday plans. If I leave it all up to chance and make decisions on a whim, I tend to overlook.
What I’m Prioritizing—and What I’m Letting Go—This Holiday Season
I’m going to be doing less overall this holiday season. Still, I’ve found I need to get specific about my intentions to make good on my promises. So, I’ve been particular about what I truly want to do, most of which is centered around making memories and upholding traditions. This approach requires having honest conversations with the people in my life and prioritizing as much as possible. When I know what matters to me, I can be gracious with the “nos” I give.