Gretchen Rubin has a framework called The Four Tendencies. It’s an interesting look at how people differ in their response to inner and outer expectations. https://gretchenrubin.com/four-tendencies/

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Love this Kate! Love that you’re so curious to explore patterns + habits, and what purpose they serve in your life. Your lens (and words) are always so inspiring and seem to speak life into what I’m experiencing as well...xx.

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You guys.. thank you. This substack is sustaining me through so much and having your support means the world. I'm glad I can offer something in return. <3

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Ok I just stumbled upon this and love it!

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YAY so glad you are here Alex!

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So this is just my experience, but I’ve found that the subconscious has its own internal logic that usually defies the best laid plans. I’ve realized now that while it may not seem like I’m actively working on a task or project, I know my subconscious is. And usually in the quieter moments, the solution will come to me. I’ve learned now not to rush that. Generally for me, this means I might leave work frustrated or overwhelmed by what I’m working on. Then, once I’m home and relaxed and focused on something else, a way to do it better or easier will come to me. Obviously, for more complex undertakings, it can take months or even years for this moment. But I know that as I get through the work I need to in a given day (versus want to), and absorb more information and allow my emotions to weigh in on the situation, I can trust I’ll have that a-hah moment and know how to proceed.

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